Life Enhancing Specialist
Affecting LivesTriumph Beyond Limits Inc. inspires, educates and empowers individuals and organizations to triumph beyond limitations.
About Trenell Walker
Ziglar Legacy Certified Trainer
Watch full Inspirational Documentary
At the tender age of 14, Trenell Walker experienced a tragic accident playing high school football that left him paralyzed from the neck down.
In his eyes temporary defeat does not mean permanent failure, because nothing beats a failure but a try…
Learn more.
Buy The TRENELL Effect Book now on Amazon!
In this book, you will find:
Your content goes here.
• Strategies to overcome depression, anger, and hopelessness, and to encourage yourself, even when all seems lost.
• Strategies to build your resilience in life.
• The tools you need to take action in your life.
• How to develop a “never quit” attitude.
• How to move from feeling stuck in life to feeling empowered.
• How to change your attitude towards the world and those around you, and welcome love and happiness into your life.
By reading Walker’s story and advice, you will be changed in a powerful way that will inspire you to change your attitude and your life for the better.
Walker Beyond Limits
Watch the Movie today FREE

Inspirational documentary
Inspirational documentary of the football prodigy paralyzed from the neck down, transformed into incredible source of hope and strength.
He achieved what was thought to be impossible, and so can you.
“If you ever found yourself feeling defeated or discouraged I implore you to spend 15 minutes with Trenell, or watch the awarding winning film maker, Andy Costa’s documentary on Trenell. I guarantee you will be moved and motivated. I know I was.” — Tom Ziglar CEO Ziglar Corporation Proud son of Zig Ziglar
Watch this powerful documentary absolutely free!
What Drives Us
Triumph Beyond Limits is the #1 difference maker that inspires, educates and empowers academic institutions, sports organizations and businesses to persevere beyond limitations and unleash unstoppable potential
Why Trenell Walker
Our Services
Do you know someone in need of hope? We all do. Trenell is an inspiring speaker who has overcome the depth of despair using the 7 Principles of Perseverance and Performance learned from his mother and brother. These principles are known as The TRENELL effect. His engaging and empowering message influences audiences to:
TAKE action
NEVER quit

Life Enhancing Speaking

Life Enhancing Training DISC

Life Enhancing Coaching

Goal Setting and Achievement

Building Winning Relationships